Deep impact – wiping out the dinosaurs

There have been quite a few stories recently of ‘the discovery of the century’ – a huge fossil treasure trove in North Dakota dating back 65 million years to when an asteroid hit the earth and caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs. The researchers studying the fossils say they are a snapshot of that day, … More Deep impact – wiping out the dinosaurs

Why do people not vaccinate their kids?

Kat von D, celebrity tattooist and make up entrepreneur, triggered a huge backlash a short while back when she and her husband announced that they wouldn’t be vaccinating their unborn child. I have to admit, I was shocked. Surely sensible-seeming people don’t just flout the fact that because of vaccines, diseases such as polio, scarlet … More Why do people not vaccinate their kids?

Will playing Call of Duty turn me into a psychopath?

Do you believe this: ‘Violent video games like Call of Duty change people’s brains’ ‘Violent video games makes children grow up into aggressive adults’ ‘Violent shooter video games really DO rot your brain’ ‘Violent video games leave teenagers ‘morally immature’ Or this? ‘Violent video games do not affect empathy’ ‘Countries that play more violent video … More Will playing Call of Duty turn me into a psychopath?

Call of the wild – should we reintroduce apex predators?

We all got taught about food chains in school – lots of plants being eaten by some rabbits, being eaten by one eagle at the top of the pyramid. But how many eagles do you see flitting around North London? Apex predators for a lot of people are animals and birds that they either see on … More Call of the wild – should we reintroduce apex predators?