
Hello, and welcome to my blog Hypervelocity Science! I’m Cat – a science journalist and editor – and I bloody love science. Every day scientists around the world are discovering new things about the planet, the things that live on it, and everything that lies beyond it. With technology and communication developing at such a rate, information is everywhere and there is such a wealth of fascinating things taking place nobody can cover everything. So my aim with this blog is to cherry-pick events that have recently happened in the vast world of science and which interest me, and try and explain why what has happened is important by taking an overall brief look at the topic.

This is why I have called my blog Hypervelocity Science, after hypervelocity stars which are moving fast enough to escape the gravitational pull of a galaxy. The aim is to focus on an interesting piece of news and then zoom out to show how it is furthering our knowledge and why I think it deserves to be written about. Hopefully it will be educational, but also amusing, because science isn’t boring! It’s brilliant – and I want you to think that too.

Enjoy the blog!


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